Regenerative Economics – Blog Peace President United Blog Wed, 28 Sep 2022 12:26:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Regenerative Economics – Blog 32 32 Waking up to Decentralized Finance Wed, 14 Sep 2022 21:08:43 +0000 Consciousness Waking up to Decentralized Finance (DEFI)

by Peace President

Why DEFI? Why Decentralized Finance?

Preliminarily, money has adopted a type of power in the collective mind, and has accumulated a large stockpile of illegitimate power in the political world and governments. In other words, the typical mind of people equates intelligence and power to those with money, like billionaires; as if a billionaire has the better answers to how to take care of ‘me;’ even though, it is completely obvious by the ridiculously in your face evidence that those with money care more about themselves than anyone else. Yet, we continue suffering from our delusions; that is to say we continue believing the epidemic of socially acceptable greed in most democratic societies is somehow working in the best interest of everyone and the planet. That is simply not the case and we are the living proof, generation after generation, century after century, millennia after millennia. Anyway, to the topic question? Why DEFI? Why to discover the technology for Decentralized Finance?

Well…so no one independent individual or entity can control the flow of money and the political and governing power that financial wealth has seemed to muster. Note: the fundamental issue is that human beings are lost in the limitations of ‘mind’s’ survival system which links money to security; hence the ongoing obsessive desire for more and more money arises because money equals security in the delusions of egoic consciousness or misidentification. That is to say we are lost believing money is security and vice versa; because without that belief then we must really take a deeper look at the truth of our existence which has nothing to do with money or the false sense of security that comes with it. In other words, identifying with egoic mind is a self perpetuating cycle that sustains itself through believing all sorts of ideas or concepts are true when they are not. Like money will buy me love or money is actually the security I am seeking.

Therefore, operating from egoic identities ALWAYS seeks any means to reinforce its primary illusion of separation or wholeness which relates to an experience of lack – as lacking something which I must obtain, get, or acquire in order to feel whole and complete. That is because the greatest part of egoic energy is the obsessive and compulsive energy of wanting more. The scapegoat in this scenario is money. When I get enough money then I will feel secure and safe; however, that never actually works, ever! 

The underlying issues of our present economic system relies heavily on the delusional egoic structure of lack or wanting more and more and more, which is actually the energy of greed. Greed traditionally is about money, however, at the heart of the energy of greed is the false sense of lack, not enough, or unwholeness, resulting in a ‘wanting’ something to change or be modified or wanting to get rid of the unpleasant and uncomfortable ‘feeling-‘belief’ associated with greed and wanting more. Again, money has become the scapegoat in attempt to get an instant gratification of feeling more secure or safe when money is acquired; actually, even the ‘idea-belief’ that “I will have money in the future” that will provide ‘me’ with security at that time offers and sustains the illusion; furthermore under the spell of that delusion or trance, I feel better now based upon the idea of future wealth or potential increase in my bank balance. However, none of that is true in reality, only in the games we play in our minds. SO, then can a DEFI system help wake us up from the illusions we play in the prison of our minds which are sustaining the divisive, power hungry, fear-based, and self maintaining false sense of security in most of our present day societies and cultures?

Liberty is not about money, greed, or power.
Liberty is about equality, generosity, and fairness.

Well…the answer is not really. But, what it can do is assist in illuminating or decreasing the power we have handed over to others such as banks – power which only increases the fear associated with a false sense of lack or not enoughness. Any system towards restoring ‘Power back to the people’ is a step in the right direction because allows us to relax a bit from the ongoing insecurity from our current banking systems; and restoring power back to the rightful participants is actually more of uniting quality than a divisive one, where people must take sides with the powers that be in order to find a false sense of security. Moreover, any system that helps us reduce our unconscious false sense of fear, lack, and separation as a type of relaxation is greatly needed in both the individual body-mind-complex and the collective body-mind-organism. Relaxation helps people illuminate their inherent joy and natural potential and compassion for one another. AND, I have never seen a truly happy person pick a fight or wage war; war and division is just not possible in the energy field of joy, relaxation, ease, and happiness.

Your Trusted Servant,

Peace President
